It’s that time of year again. We’re in early May. The weather is getting consistently nicer. The temperature is rising. Leaves are on the trees and the grass is green. It’s the beginning of golf season and I’m looking forward to spending more time out on the golf course. But there’s one thing that’s getting in my way…my job.
As some of you may already know, I’ve been out-of-work for a pretty long time now. But, those days are now gone. By the time you read this, I’ll be in the midst of my first day at the new job.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to get back into the swing of things. I’m looking forward to a fresh start. But the problem is…the timing. I’m starting this job right at the beginning of golf season – The timing couldn’t be worse!
The hours are normal and it’s a Monday-Friday gig, so my weekends are still free. But imagine going into golf season with all of your days open…And you’re not even retired!! I’ve been looking forward to this all winter. Then the time finally comes and…BAM! I get a job. My dream golf season is over before it even got started. Imagine, I went from having all of my days free during the winter when I couldn’t do a thing, to feeling like I’m going to have the same free time in the summer. Then, it’s all just stripped away from me in the blink of an eye.
Well, I guess the job is more important…for now. But it sure would have been nice. For one winter, I was able to almost understand what it feels like to be retired and a golfer. It was so close that I could just about taste it. It was right there!
I guess if there’s a silver lining to this cloud, it’s the experience I had. The feeling I was given. The hope I felt. I now have something to look forward to in my golfing future. I will work that much harder toward retirement. I need to know if it’s going to be as good as I had hoped it would. I’ll get there. It’s just a matter of time.
But right now, it’s time for bed. You know, with tomorrow being the first day of work and all.
I had the opposite happen to me a few years back. I moved from being a full-time employee to a contractor at a software development company at the beginning of June and could pretty much golf whenever I wanted.
In all honesty, it wasn’t as much fun as I thought it was going to be. I think my Halo 3 skills improved more than my golf game did.
Congrats on your new job!
Jim Dauer
Co-Founder, FullForesome.com
Hey Jim,
I know what you’re saying. In similar fashion, my Call of Duty:MW2 skills have somewhat increased over the off-season!