The good thing about springtime is golf season starts again. The bad thing is it tends to rain…a lot. It seems almost cruel that you’ve been waiting all winter for the snow to melt, the ground to thaw and the temps to warm just enough to begin the season and then BAM – a perfectly good golfing day is ruined by April (and many times May) showers.
But as I was looking at my golf bag the other day, I noticed the rather large (60″ spread) umbrella attached to it. It’s not as if I’ve never noticed it before, I mean, I’ve been playing this game for over 20 years and my golf bag has ALWAYS featured a golf umbrella (actually, they keep getting larger and I’m already eyeing a 68″ one for my next bag).
The ironic thing is, I rarely use my golf umbrella on the course. Unless I get caught in the rain (which hardly ever happens), the umbrella stays sheathed and fastened along the side of the bag. In fact, all my old golf umbrella’s end up being used far more frequently off the course – usually when I walk the dog in the rain.
Interestingly, despite the infrequent use, golf umbrella’s are massive compared to other models – it’s as if we golfers melt when we get wet (as long as one guy is carrying a big golf umbrella that can protect several people, the foursome can be saved)! Think about it though, some golfers try to avoid rain like it’s the plague. For example, if there’s even a hint of mist falling before a round, my phone will light-up with the inevitable text from Stinky Golfer Chris: “Rain. I’m out.”
Shoot man, I wouldn’t mind still trying to get the round in! I mean, I’ve got the big umbrella. Ah, but have you ever tried to carry a golf umbrella for 18-holes? Believe me, it gets annoying. But I’m willing to muddle through if it means playing the game I love. Of course, if it’s pouring, the course becomes a swamp – and that’s no fun either.
And then there’s the thunder storms. OK, these are more of a summer phenomenon than spring, but this is one time I don’t want to be on the course (my dad actually knew someone struck and killed by lightning while on the course). But if it’s not an electrical storm and as long as it’s not coming down in buckets, I’m game – let’s put that behemoth umbrella to use!
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