We here at Golfstinks.com are very proud of our glossary. You will see us use the various entries in our posts from time to time. Today happens to be one of those times. I always get a kick out of those people that don’t quite use the right equipment to play and we have a term called tennis shoe crowd which pretty much describes them.
tennis shoe crowd [ ténniss shoo krowd ]
persons whom play golf so infrequently, they do not sport the usual golf styles or equipment (these people are easily spotted on the course because they are playing with vintage garage sale clubs, wearing a t-shirt or wife-beater, jean shorts and donning tennis shoes).
There’s one particular time that comes to mind when the group in front of us appeared to be perfect examples of the tennis shoe crowd. They had all the tell tale signs; the vintage clubs, the swing-and-a-miss stroke play, the screaming across the fairway “Hey, watch this!” etc…you get the point. Mind you, we were also playing a local par 3 executive course known to be very relaxed.
We were making our way around the course when we came to a back-up around the 8th hole. Here’s our chance to get a close-up on the group in front of us and needless to say, I did not disappoint. Boy were we in for a treat. Never in my life did I see so many non golf equipment items be used for golf.
For starters, no one had a pair of golf shoes on. Not that golf shoes are absolutely necessary but, and I s#@$ you not, one guy had work boots on and his buddy was wearing football cleats. It gets better, Johnny Unitas over there also had an Under Armour receiver glove on and on top of that we over heard him swearing it was better than any golf glove. Hey, whatever floats your boat.
Ok, so you want to explore other options when it comes to golf equipment. Fine. Although, there comes a point where I draw the line especially when it comes to safety. One of the guys in front of us steps up to the tee box and that’s where I noticed the duct tape holding his club head on. Come on, are you kidding me! Old or not, at least have a set of proper clubs. Luckily, no one felt the wrath of the flying club head, which by the way did come off. Ah yes, the tennis shoe crowd.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!! Don’t run with the crowd…
Pete: I so agree with your article on the tennis shoe crowd!
First, my group wears basketball like sneakers. Better water resistance on those dew covered fairways!
Duct tape!!!!!! Come on Lads!!!!!!! Electrical tape, dudes!!!!!! It’s water resistance is far superior- as proven on my ole faithful Spalding 3 wood!