Michael Vadon / CC BY-SA 2.0)
It can be argued in many different ways, but the simple fact is, golf is NOT a growing sport. The statistics show it. Even though there are currently about 450 more courses in the U.S. than existed in the year 2000, over the past several years, more courses have closed than opened. What’s more alarming is, despite these additional 450 courses, fewer rounds are being played every year.
According to reports from the National Golf Foundation, 2009 marked the fourth consecutive year in which total rounds of golf decreased from the previous year. As a matter of fact, it was the eighth year out of the past nine in which a decrease was shown. In 2000, roughly 518.4 million rounds of golf were played in the U.S. But by 2009, that number had dropped to 481.5. That’s almost 37 million fewer rounds (a little over 7%) per year. So where is this growth?
Yeah, you can blame some of it on the economy. But that’s really only that past two years. What about the seven years previous? That is another topic which can be debated. But I have my opinions – several of them (greens fees continuing to rise, cost of equipment, etc…). But right at the top of the list is simply the old golf stereotype – it’s a rich man’s game. For too many golfers in the new generation, as well as your average weekend hack, this decreases their overall interest. They see the game as too expensive and too serious. What they don’t see, and are sometimes never introduced to, is simply the fun of the game. But what is the golf industry in general doing to fix this? Apparently, nothing.
Example, The Golf Channel’s latest offering – Donald Trump’s Fabulous World of Golf. In a time where interest in the sport continues to decrease, the belief in the stereotype continues to rise, the biggest star in the game has lost some of his shine, golf courses are closing and people aren’t playing because they can’t afford to play…The Golf Channel gives us…Donald Trump.
As if we haven’t seen enough already, this show gives us more celebrities, more excess and more outrageously priced and/or private courses. Yeah, just what the sport needs right now. Fuel the stereotype why don’t ya? Do the good people at The Golf Channel think this is helping? Are they in the dark and don’t understand this is not what the sport needs? Maybe they don’t care and they’re just hoping for ratings.
Speaking of ratings, one of the funniest things I had seen and heard was on a promo video on the show’s website. If you can find it, there was a clip of The Donald sarcastically stating this show was going to raise The Golf Channel’s ratings. Isn’t that great? Even The Donald knows this channel needs help!
See, we’ve said it before, and we’ll continue to say it. This sport needs a shot in the arm. It needs a change. It needs to make itself relate to the average guy and girl who play the sport for no reason other than the fun of the game. It does NOT need more celebrities. It does NOT need to promote more private courses. It does NOT need to promote more rich guys playing the game in a place 99.9% of us (if not more) will never see.
As entertaining as I occasionally find him to be….the sport does NOT need Donald Trump right now.