Well, it’s that time of year again…The time for last minute gift shopping. If you’re like me, then every year you wait until the last possible minute to finish up your holiday shopping. And someone who almost always comes within mere hours of being left out in the cold is the person I’ve pulled for my Secret Santa.
Even as I write this, I am less than two days from my company’s holiday party, and I have yet to purchase a gift for him. And to make it even a bit tougher on me…he’s not a golfer! So I have no idea where to even begin. Ah, who am I kidding – he’s getting a bottle of something. Only if this guy would take up golf, I’d have some great ideas for Secret Santa gifts.
If you’ve followed any of my previous posts regarding holiday gifts (A Few Golf Items Not Under My Tree and It’s Christmas in July for Golfers) you’ll see that some of my ideas were on the expensive side. But this time, I need to keep costs down due to our Secret Santa spending limit. Well that and I’m poor. But along with a gift from me comes a bit of my sense of humor. So lets just say, these gifts might not be for everyone. With that being said, lets start with this one:
Ah, the Potty Putter. Now that’s a classic. For everyone who believes spending a little time on the ol’ porcelain throne is quite the waste of time, then here’s a great opportunity to turn it into quality time. Why not leave a scorecard along with it? Play a game with whoever follows you in? OK, maybe that’s pushing it a little bit. But you know what’s not? This:
What could go better with the potty putter than a roll of 19th hole bath tissue? I don’t know about you, but sometimes you just need a little something fresh for the reading room. After all, it’s called the reading room for a reason, no?
But what about something that your Secret Santa gift recipient could use out on the course? Well, how about this golf bag?
Now this looks like something quite convenient. A nice little pouch that could give you easy access to your balls. Sort of a ball bag for your golf bag. Nothing can intimidate another golfer more than carrying your balls on the outside. Why is everyone giggling? I don’t get it.
OK, so the guy I have to buy for isn’t a golfer, but maybe your stocking stuffer or Secret Santa recipient is. But not just a golfer – it has to be a golfer with a sense of humor. A golfer who would appreciate a bit of bathroom humor. Or someone who would just like the convenience of having a ball sack hanging off of their golf bag….oooohhhhh….I get it now. Funny stuff! In case anyone is reading this and has me for Secret Santa…see above.
Swing ’til you’re happy!