There are a few things on every golfers list that they would like to achieve – some of it based on skill level. Newbies and stinky golfers, for instance, may want to break 100. Still stinky, but maybe a little more skilled golfers, may look to break 90. The better at this game we get, breaking 80 may become a goal. And then the best of us amateurs eventually may push to shoot, or even break par. But no matter the skill level, be it a PGA pro or your average, everyday hack, the old hole-in-one is an achievement that every golfer wants to check off their list one day. So when someone gets their hole-in one, you’re happy for them. But what about when someone gets more than one?

Has anyone heard about Gus Andreone? Gus has been playing golf longer than most of us have been alive. And he has a hole-in-one total that will make us all envious. Gus has a total of eight aces since 1939. Eight! OK, granted, that’s a span of 75 years. But if you do the math, that works out to one every nine or so years. So by that math, I should be working on my second one. But instead, in my golf career, I’ve only come pretty close once or twice.
Now, as if Gus having eight aces isn’t enough, to rub it in our faces even more…he just recorded the latest one a couple of weeks ago…at the age of 103. How’s that feel? A 103-year old man has now done for the eight time something that most of us, even in the primes of our careers, will never do.
On a good note, he has been playing golf for at least 75 years. Many of us hope to live for 75 years! He’s been playing golf for at least that long! Maybe if I can put together a golfing lifespan even remotely close to that amount of time, I too can record at least one hole-in-one.
Swing ’til you’re happy!