Golf is, hands down, an absolute ball breaker, club breaker, bank breaker and whatever else breaker. This sport (or “game” for the non-believers) seems to have more cons going for it than pros. And that’s at any level. Beginners struggle with pretty much everything. Professionals struggle (and I use that term loosely) with certain facets of their game too.
In reality, pro’s are scratch or close to scratch golfers. Why do they feel the need to break a $500 dollar club because they hit an errant tee shot? No big deal dude…you screwed up, stuff happens. You are part of an elite group. It’s called “professional golfer”…act like it. You see where this is going, the whole ball, club and bank breaking thing? Not to mention in a few instances, relationship breaker.
So, why do we keep playing? I have no friggin’ clue. Here’s a game that, when I’m playing, I hate every other shot and dislike the ones in between. People say it’s that one great shot that keeps you coming back…hmmmm…so then golf is like crack. I heard stories from addicts that tried crack for the first time and were chasing that high ever since. Golf and crack; same jazz different band.
Ok, maybe crack and golf aren’t quite on the same level but you get my point. Why do I keep playing? Well yes, it’s that one shot, it’s the camaraderie, the challenge but most important – I love the game. I know it’s rather insane when you think about it. You motherf$#@ everything when you’re playing and swear you’ll never pick up the sticks again. But when you’re off the course, you miss it and think about it. I believe Frank Sinatra said it best: That’s life.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!! Be a hack, don’t do crack.