Life definitely throws us curves and I’m sure we all have heard the sayings. “You play the hand you’re dealt and you play it to the best of your ability.” Or one of my favorites “We are given what we can handle.” It’s funny how everything seems to work it’s way out though.
My friend never played golf before in his life. He was always into more active sports. Not saying golf is not active, it’s just not as active as say…basketball. Anyway, he used to tell me that he couldn’t spend 2 plus hours on a golf course when he could fit in a b-ball game in an hour and go do something else. Ok, I can see where he might be coming from…golf does take time.
Fast forwarding a year and a half later, my friend gets into a life changing accident at work. He injures his foot severely causing serious nerve and muscle damage. He does not lose the foot but he lost a lot of control. Needless to say, his “active” sport days are over. Enter golf.
So, he picks up a set of clubs and decides to give the four-letter game a go. Speaking with him recently about it he tells me “I’m hooked! Never did I think I would play this game but I love it.” I find it interesting to see how people are introduced to golf. Unfortunately, my buddy found it through misfortune but it has worked out in his benefit. He gets to walk and rehab his foot, challenge himself while doing so and enjoy the company of friends. Looks to me like a classic case of turning a negative into a positive!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
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