At some point every hack has to come to the realization that their golf game could use some help. If you haven’t, you are in denial and that’s ok. We’re here to help! The golf industry is flooded with gadgets, videos, apps and whatever else geared towards improving your game. We’ve all heard the b.s. these golf aids proclaim. ” Gain 50+ yards on your drive!” or “Lower your handicap instantly!”…you know the drill.
I have taken the liberty and put together 5 straight forward ways to help us not stink at golf. It really comes down to common sense and not a plastic contraption made in China. So, no catches and best of all it’s absolutely free because we like to help…here we go!
- Use More Club – If you’re 175 yards out and think you can get there with a pitching wedge, think again. You see, our pride and the fact we want to impress our buddies somehow clouds our logic. Don’t worry, grabbing that 6 or 5 iron won’t make you less of a golfer.
- Use Less Club – As we step onto the tee box with driver in hand and all that separates us from the dance floor is 300 yards, we think “I can make it in there in one!” What happens next? 4 strokes later we find ourselves half way to the green and dropping because of the donations we made to the lumberyard. Keep the driver in the bag (or home) and hit something more controllable. It’s ok to get there in 2 or 3. Don’t worry, less club doesn’t make you less of a golfer.
- Aim For The Cup – When we do make it to the green and are setting up to putt, aim right for the cup. Again, a little common sense goes a long way. We can leave all the geometry for the pros and their caddies. Don’t worry, getting close to the hole doesn’t make you less of a golfer.
- Drink – If you hadn’t noticed, the common sense thing has and will be a common thread through out this post. Be responsible, a pop or two is proven to be effective in relaxing us. When we are relaxed we tend to enjoy ourselves more and have better judgement. Of course, there is a fine line here between relaxed and tanked. Common sense people and don’t worry, drinking responsibly doesn’t make you less of a golfer.
- Cheat Like A Motherf***er – just kidding…Have Fun – It’s all about our mindset. Forget about impressing anyone, use the right club not the one we think “should” work, aim for the cup, have a libation and play your game. Dont’ worry…you know the rest.
There you have it. From one hack to another, get out there and enjoy yourself.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
I’d like to add to “not stinking” is attitude. Two golfers with the same 18-hole score; one cursing and banging clubs into the turf, the other enjoying his round and smiling.
I’ve played with both, and not only is the former annoying, it affects my game….and my enjoyment.
All these still a better idea than the 15 inch hole from Taylormade
Some great points here, although I’m not sure about point 4. Although it would give me a great excuse for playing poorly!