Have you ever thought the two words could co-exist peacefully? There’s the stereotypical image of a golfer in plaid knickers, a sweater vest and a hat taken from Antonio Fargas’ closet that is usually associated with golf by non-golfers, unfortunately. As a golfer, and I use that term loosely, I’ve noticed trends come and go in the golf attire world.
For example, do you remember when a ton of players buttoned their polo’s all the way up? I’m sure some of us even did it or still do. It kind of reminded me of high school for some reason. Like we were we supposed to think “Oh man, that person has their top button buttoned, they must be really good.”
We can’t mention fashion and trends without talking about the Europeans. We can spot a European on American soil just like they can spot us over there. The same goes on the links. You can almost always tell if a golfer is European just by their outfit. It kind of stinks because I like some of their styles and they’re not available here. That’s why I search European golf clothing sites. Shipping could be an issue but hey, live a little.
As different as we all may be, golf has allowed many to express their inner Payne Stewart and not have to worry or care about what others say. It’s true, we can wear almost anything on a course and not have our balls broken. You gotta love that!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
I see so many more golfers wearing John Daly ‘loud mouth’ pants and shirts now these days. They are popping up everywhere!