Bobby Jones once said “Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half inch course– the space between your ears.”
Do we ever stop and think that the mental game is just about as important as the physical game? I’d bet maybe 75% of average golfers say they are just out there to have fun. I get it; me too but, how much fun is it when it takes you four attempts to get on the green from five yards out? That five-and-a-half-inch course Jones talks about is a real mother-f’er.
Ah yes, using the old bean. I can only imagine the thought process that a pro golfer goes through on every shot. Then again, that’s another gray area; If you think too much it’s not good and if you don’t think at all you may look like a jack-ass. Ultimately, I’m guessing the goal is to master that small course as best you can first.
Just my $0.02
Hit’em long…yell FORE!
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