So I figured I would help boost some TV ratings and present a little something different to today’s reality TV show viewers. This feat will be accomplished by combining the Golf Channel’s “Big Break” and let’s say…oh I don’t know…MTV’s “Jersey Shore”. Ladies and Gent’s I present to you “Golf Clubbin’!”
A reality show that embraces polar opposites and forces them to co-exist. We can use the existing cast of JS and put them in various golf situations such as working in an upscale, pretentious golf club or caddying for a pro. Perhaps even challenging them to a round where they must make the cut or be subjected to some sort of embarrassment.
I can see it now… some dialogue from the first episode:
Scene opens with Mike “The Situation” pounding on the bathroom door very early in the a.m.
Mike: Paulie! Could you f@#$in’ hurry up in there. We’ve been waiting for forty-five friggin’ minutes. We’re gonna be late on our first friggin’ day! There’s gonna be a situation if you don’t hurry up!
Paulie: Chill bro, I’m doin’ my hair! They gave us a 1200 watt hair dryer…I need at least 1600.
Vinnie: What the f@#$ is wrong with you Paulie? Where the hell is Ronnie?
Camera cuts to the girls room:
Snookie: Ok, so let me get this straight. I hold the shaft with both hands and rest my head next to the ball- give it a swing and that’s called a stroke?
J Woww: I dunno… I think that’s what the book says…
Sammy: Jeez, all this talk about shafts, balls, and head is killing me…where’s Ronnie?
Aw man, this could be great. I know, I know…idiotic… but nonetheless entertaining.
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