It’s Sunday night and I just finished the second round of shoveling during what is currently the largest snowstorm of the winter so far.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I actually just watched my kids handle the second round of shoveling. But I handled the first round. And I’ll also be handling the third. Further, I’m sure I’ll handle all of the remaining shoveling from here on out.
But, while I was out during round 1, in order to attempt to make the process a little less mundane, I had to try to work something sports-related into the process. So of course, golf is the way to go. A snowball perched on top of a small mound does the trick. I gotta tell you…I hit some memorable shots out there today.
It was when I began to freeze my ass off and noticed I was accomplishing nothing when I realized people actually do this! By “this” I don’t mean shovel. I mean golf…In the snow! As if the sport isn’t challenging enough, some choose to do it in wintry conditions! But why? Why would someone subject themselves to these torturous conditions? Because they’re cheaters, that’s why!
Now why would I say something like that? Well it’s simple really. Ever hear the term “winter rules” or “preferred lies?” Of course you have. But is it just me, or do both terms sound a bit, oh…I don’t know…made up? Well guess what, they are! Neither of these terms actually exist anywhere in any of the rules of golf. So when you see that sign outside of your local course stating “Winter Rules In Effect Today,” it’s nothing more than a license to cheat. It means only to kick, move or place your ball just about anywhere you would like on the course!
“Winter rules” are just a local rule. But I hesitate to call it a “rule” since there really is no clear definition. Yeah, I could state some of the “guidelines,” but what good would that really do? If there are no actual rules and a feeble attempt at putting down some guidelines, then there’s no other way to describe it other than permission to cheat.
So now that I’ve established that, only one question remains – If the question of whether or not “winter rules”are or are not in effect, what the hell are you doing on the course to begin with?