Here goes with the age old question. Do great athletes make great coaches? Well, I tend to believe that a majority of the great athletes might have some coaching ability because it’s still fresh in their minds but that’s about it. You see, very few people can excel and become great at one thing never mind two. Same goes for golf…or does it?
If you go to your local track and want to take lessons, who’s the person that gives them? The course pro and there’s a high probability they are incredible golfers too. It’s funny because when I look on the side line of any other professional sport, I’m going to go ahead and guess that most of the coaches couldn’t perform at the level their players do. Nor could they have had done so in their prime.
Here’s something even better, certified golf pro’s battle it out on two fronts. The first being they need to keep their skills honed and scores low and secondly, they go through a few years of certification training to teach plus continue with refresher courses. A lot easier said than done but the proof is definitely in the pudding. How many NFL coaches do you know of can do a sub 5 second 40 yard dash without keeling over?
OK, I got a little carried away, I completely understand the physical requirements of an NFL player are much more demanding than a pro golfer’s. The point is that in order to teach someone how to golf, you’re most likely great at it. And “it” meaning teaching and golf! So, make sure you support your local track and golf pro!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!! Be the ball, Danny…