Sorry, never existed. Completely made up. It is a rather humorous phrase though…the great golf ball shortage of ’78. Speaking of shortages, recently the Northeast has had a bulls eye on it for snow. We’ve been pelted a few times and this is getting a little ridiculous. Actually, all these storms and adverse weather conditions have put many of our municipalities in a road salt conundrum. Basically, salt inventory is dangerously low and one or two more good storms and Main St will be a slip-n-slide. Fun.
You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this. So, this salt shortage got me thinking about how golf has never had a shortage. Right? If you play like me though it is very possible to have a temporary golf ball shortage. You see, golf itself has never had a shortage as far as equipment or accessories go. In fact, I’d be willing to bet there is a surplus every year. Hence the end of year, last year’s models and close-out sales.
However, golf is responsible to a point for a serious shortage – water. I’m pretty sure we’re all aware of how much water a course can suck up. Especially for courses in the southwest. The USGA reported 18 hole courses in the Southwest had an average yearly water bill of $107,800 in comparison to the $4000 – $7000 the rest of the country averaged. Holy crap!!
Interestingly, last year Golf Digest released a special report discussing this and what can be done to improve the situation. You will see in the article that it discusses Hunting Hawk Golf Course and how they only use rainwater collected on its property to irrigate. Pretty cool! Now we have to take this model and apply it worldwide.
Ok, water issue…check! Now where can I find salt…?
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!