Let me start by saying this is my opinion. Now that that’s out of the way we can continue. I was never one to record my scores for handicap purposes. A long time ago I heard something about golf handicaps that stayed with me ever since. When asked about his handicap, an older gentleman once said “High school varsity is high school varsity…tour pros are tour pros.”
What is the purpose of a handicap? To compete against someone better than you on equal grounds? I have an idea, play someone at your level! If you consistently shoot mid 80’s, play someone that consistently shoots mid 80’s. Any other sport that has an amateur rec league has a tier system of some sort to separate players into their appropriate skill levels.
I have never seen a men’s, women’s, co-ed or beer league use a handicap system. They don’t sit there and say “Ok, Chico’s Bail Bonds will start with 5 runs today against Vito’s Waste Removal because they stink.” Why else would you need a handicap, right? Hey, I’ll be the first to tell you I stink at golf.
Jokes aside, I tend to believe the bigger the handicap the less accurate it is. My theory is if you have a 25 handicap the chances of you scoring worse are better than someone with let’s say a 5 handicap. The 5 handicap is a pretty consistent golfer and his fluctuation percentage in scores between rounds will be lower than a less consistent 25 handicap. You follow?
In other words, a better golfer will be more consistent and should play against other golfers at their respective caliber. Now, if we’re just playing for fun then we can throw all this handicap stuff out the window and enjoy the round. Works for me!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!