After receiving such positive feedback from my previous post “Golf Questions Answered…The Golfstinks.com Way.” It’s only right that I continue to help my fellow hacks with a follow-up and answer more of your questions. I’m so glad that my vast knowledge is coming in handy once again.
Let’s get it on!
Q: What degree wedge should I play with?
A: You should really avoid playing with wedges at any degree…mild, moderate or severe. They are intrusive, uncomfortable and can cause chafing. Thank you Caddyshack 2…
Q: What’s the best hybrid?
A: That’s kind of a subjective question. The best thing is to figure out how much you want to spend and then take one out for a test drive. I’m liking the effort to go green man.
Q: I just got into an argument with a buddy of mine over this: Is it illegal to pick up your ball, clean it and replace it while on the fairway?
A: Dude, hell yeah it’s illegal! Ummm, hello? I believe that’s called public indecency. Scrub the fellas in the privacy of your own home please.
Q: Would you recommend a Medicus?
A: No, I would recommend a doctor-us. Roman empire-era medical practices are a little barbaric. Stupidus questionus.
Q: How can I tell if my shaft is stiff enough?
A: Well, your shot distance and club head speed will dictate where you need to be. Your golf pro would be better suited to help with that. Or…ask your significant other ;).
That wraps up round 2. I hope you all found this to be a nice learning experience. Thanks again for the support and I’m looking forward to round 3!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!