I was laying on my couch yesterday recovering from Saturday night’s “therapy” session at the ol’ watering hole and I had a game altering revelation – the PAF Rule!
You see, I was watching the Golf Channel because a) the remote was too far away and b) I was zoning-out rather than really watching when this infomercial came on guaranteeing straighter and longer drives, lower scores, lower handicaps, better sex life, all for 20 installments of $19.95…you know the one.
Anyway, I cleared the fog out my head and started thinking of ways I can lower my score without lifting a finger (Hey, call me lazy but I like to refer to myself as super efficient).
I said to myself “If I had a gallery of spectators and a couple of field marshal’s to see where my ball landed, I would never lose a ball again…for the most part.” Seriously, how many times have you smacked the snot out of a drive or hit a nice iron and can’t find it. You swear to every religious figure that the ball landed right there and *poof* it magically disappeared. Do you see where I’m going with this?
On average, I would say my ball “magically” disappears a couple times a round, and since I don’t draw the masses when I hit the links, nor is there a field marshal to be found (at least where I play), I’ve decided to call this the “Pro Advantage Factor” or PAF. An automatic -2 off my score. Why not?
Doesn’t the PAF justify it? Everyone’s PAF could be different depending on how many balls you “magically” lose. I mean the better you are the less help you need, right? So why do pro’s have people helping them find their balls?
We stinky ones need all the help we can get. More PARS with PAF, that’s what I say! This should play right along with the rules. Barring O.B., the next time you hit a Houdini don’t sweat it, play the PAF card.
I’m in!!
This happened to me twice today! Once on a dogleg right and the other on 180 yd par 3 that I swore was just off the edge of the green.
Can’t get my foursome to watch..so why not spectators and/or a marshal?
I’m calling a PAF the rest of the year!
A ball is never lost. It is merely misplaced. Eventually someone will find it, and if it is a decent brand they will pick it up.
That’s the moment the ball is stolen. It’s yours, you misplaced it and now they are keeping it and not returning it to you.
Therefore, the rules of golf are punishing YOU for someone stealing something from you. That’s patently unfair and the rule should simply be ignored.
I love this post. I never really thought of this before, but it’s definitely true. And it got me thinking…there are a lot of factors we deal with on public courses that make the game tougher for us than the pros. I came up with at least 7 strokes (if not more) that we should all deduct from our golf scores. http://thecommongolfer.com/2009/09/the-pro-advantage-factor/