Literally. Every year golf goes back to it’s motherland for a stop along the tour. Not just any stop but a major. Which I’m sure we all know. The opportunities to win some serious money and a major fuels these golfers to give it their all.
Since I’m on the topic of winning, I recently came across something interesting for any of you that like to bet on golf. Now we all know it’s the return of the Open Championship and have put together a list of promotions from betting sites. It never ceases to amaze me what people can gamble on. For instance, betting that an Englishman will not win the British Open.
After watching a bit of it yesterday, it was quite entertaining! I couldn’t stop laughing when Charl Schwartzel threw his club and broke it. Not for nothing, he was hitting out of some serious caliche, but come on man, there’s no reason to throw a club when you’re a professional. I guess emotions fly high during times like this. I wouldn’t know for sure, the only thing I know about majors is what I took up in college for 8 years. It was actually 6 with a break in between…hey at least I finished.
I might watch more today. The course looked great yesterday and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store today. Now, if I just could figure out who’s going to win…
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
You guys should check out and post some of your articles and facts there. Its a growing global social media site for golfers. Just join up and keep everyone informed with you guys are up to.
Keep up the good work boys.