I read an interesting press release yesterday from Polara golf. You might recognize Polara as the manufacturer of drivers and golf balls that are banned on the tour. You know, those golf balls that can “correct” a slice and what-not. It’s funny because usually I never read stuff like this from any company but it had some interesting info.
In their response to the USGA/R&A’s ruling on “anchoring” clubs, Polara included some research results that I found quite amusing. A couple polls were taken and the results were just what I expected…the majority doesn’t give a crap. Let’s take a look:
In April 2013, Polara Golf commissioned a Google Consumer
Survey of 18,000 internet respondents; 1,000 of which were
golfers with a USGA handicap that were asked what
they thought of the anchoring ban. Here are the results:35.4% – I don’t care.
25% – I agree with the proposed ban.
23% – I didn’t know there was a proposed ban.
17% – I disagree with the proposed ban.
You would think the USGA should take action and make an effort to improve these numbers. In reality, it probably wouldn’t even make a difference. Just as I had mentioned earlier, most could care less. Actually, another poll (below) shows more than 75% of golfers are out there for fun and have never even laid eyes on a rule book.
In December 2012 a Google Consumer Survey of 6,800 internet
respondents found:* 78% of golfers play for fun and 22% play according to the USGA
* 61% of respondents said they sometimes take mulligans, gimme
putts and other popular infractions such as using a “foot wedge.”
* 63% of golfers said they would consider using golf equipment
that was banned from professional play.
* 72% of golfers said they have never read the USGA Rules
There’s a trend happening here when it comes to rules. Somehow we know them but we never really read them. Take a look at how many U.S. citizens have read the constitution and laws governing our country. I’d bet the majority hasn’t. It’s just one of those things we pick up along the way from the generation before us…just like golf.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
I think the USGA is fooling themselves if they actually think people play by the rules. If the game’s elite don’t know the rules why would they think the average player does? I would venture a guess that only about 5-10% of handicap are actually accurate. Lunch balls, sweeping up putts, wrong drops in the wrong place, winter rules, etc. are violated every day at every facility. No one wants to really understand the rules. They would rather just smash the ball and try to corner it in the hole with any means available to them (or not available under the rules.)
Golf is a sport and after all should be played for fun by most of us. I think it’s important to follow the basic rules of golf, however I don’t think it should ever get to the point where the rules ruin the enjoyment of game for the majority.