No matter how bad you play, your worst round is still ahead of you. Golf is a game of numbers and since the numeric system is infinite you can always pick your head up after shooting a 153 and say “Could of been worse, coulda’ shot a 154…” Albeit if you shot a 153 – I’m sure somewhere along the line you cheated and should have a 163. Just saying, I’ve done it…I mean I never shot a 153 but…Ok! Ok! I’ve had scores that equalled the top speed of a Porsche…happy now?
What is it about this game that keeps me coming back though? Is it that one nice drive I had? Or that birdie on the 18th hole? Does my geographic location come into play – unlike warmer climates where you can play year-round, do I dream about playing during the off-months? Yes, yes, yes and also, for me, golf is a chance to get together with friends and for those few hours I don’t have to worry about anything. A chance to act like a child, within moderation of course, have a few laughs (and beers) and go home* (*home is the secret word for the closest bar, wink, wink).
That being said, I guess it’s nearing the end of the golfing season here in the northeastern part of the US, and all that’s left are memories of this past year. So, not trying to be sentimental and what not, I’ll miss heading out in the middle of summer where the humidity is so bad you ask yourself “Why am I here right now?” I’ll miss hitting a great shot and follow it up with four or five not so great shots and still have to chip to get on. I’ll miss pulling the old “unhooking my playing partners’ golf bags from the cart so when they take-off, the bags fall off” gag.
I envy golfers that live in warmer climates and can hack year round. Well, actually that means I have a better chance at shooting a crappier round more frequently. Remember it’s a game of numbers. Throughout the years of my golf “career” I’ve heard some funny sayings and one that stuck with me goes right along with the “numbers” thing. What other game can you yell “Fore”, shoot a six and write down a five? So the game of numbers goes on. My number now? That would be 6. Six months till the 2010 season! Man, I love this game!
I go with the “I hit that one perfect shot” reasoning… although occasionally I have a “perfectly played hole” reason as well.
As for the bad scores, I won’t admit my worst score but I will confess to a round where I had three 10s and a 14. In my defense, it was my first attempt to qualify to play in a tournament and I totally freaked.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.