Yeah, like I never heard that before…you unoriginalbastid!All my life I grew up swinging a bat and hockey stick left-handed while actually being right-handed.
It never occurred to me how fairly uncommon that is until I started playing golf. I remember walking up to the first tee and setting up and hearing: “Wow, you’re lefty?” WTF is that? Why not just put me in a cage somewhere and draw a crowd? “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls I present Lefto the amazing right-handed lefty! Watch as he writes his name right handed and then swings a club left!” Whoopty-Freakin’-Doo! And what’s with the lame ball-breaking comments? Hey Mr. Golfer Person-Who-Thinks-He/She-Is-Funny: you and your wise cracks can go kick rocks!
Everybody knows golf courses were designed for righty’s (probably not true but I’m going with it). Try finding left handed clubs…fuhgedaboutit! Don’t get me wrong, they exist (obviously) but have a very limited selection. For instance, try walking into a golf store and search for their left handed section. It’s like all the way in the back of the store in a corner behind some boxes waiting to be brought to the dumpster. And then the selection! My oh my, what a selection they have…maybe two new sets from last year that are demos and a used set that was pieced together by someones uncle back in the 80’s.
Now here’s what else I noticed: Righty’s can go into a store, try-out a set and then go purchase them online cheaper. We lefty’s (at least me) do not have that luxury (Is that why I couldn’t find that left-handed Chi Chi Rodriguez wood driver)?
I understand the right-handed to left-handed ratio is about 9:1 (except in Canada where it is about 7:3…perhaps thanks to ice hockey)? But does that make us any less of a consumer of golf products? Hey, we put out a few greats: Bob Charles, Mike Weir and Phil “FIGJAM” Mickelson. Maybe we should start getting some respect! Just my $.02…
You lefty’s need to suck it up. My mother attended schools in a country school where students who were left-handed like she, were forced…FORCED to write using their right hand. This was, of course, after they got up to milk the cows; harvest the crop; and build a house before walking the five miles to school across burning embers, shards of glass and into blinding sandstorms and/or snowstorms.