As an average hack, I go through multiple balls per round – some go in the drink, while others are donated to the lumber yard. Then there are the ones that are simply misidentified: You see a ball in the fairway and are positive it’s yours – you hit a great approach, only to arrive at the green and realize it’s not the ball you teed off with!
So to avoid such errors, we end up marking our golf balls. Using a Sharpie or other permanent pen, we clumsily draw some sort of shape on the side of ball. Have you ever tired to draw on a spherical object, especially one as small as a golf ball? Let’s just say it’s not the easiest thing to do. Thus, we end up just adding a few dots. The trouble is, everybody else has dots on their ball too!
Enter This simple stamp can be customized with your initials, favorite shape, or other image that you identify with (e.g. a bullseye, kitty cat, skull and crossbones, wrench or even a tank)! In addition, you have your choice of red, blue or black ink.
So when I was contacted by the folks over at, I was interested in customizing my own stamp and testing it out for myself. The idea of having an easy way to apply a consistent marking on several balls was appealing to me. The design needed to be simple, but I still wanted to see if I could achieve some customization in terms of the font and image. Thus, I decided to use the “G” font from our Golfstinks logo and include a box around it (see image to the left).
I submitted my artwork and promptly received a personal email back from the company reminding me I forgot to specify which ink color I wanted. Technically, our logo is a very dark green, so dark in fact, I figured they would just consider it black. But these guys are good – they immediately recognized the color was not black and reached out to confirm – great attention to detail!
About a week later, my customized golf ball stamp arrived. I had watched their video on how to prep and use the stamp, so I was ready to go! They recommend practicing on a few older balls first to get the hang of it and then switching to your game balls.

I have to say that overall, I was pleased with the results (see image above). Now I must add that this stamp doesn’t replace professionally stenciled logo balls. If you want your company logo printed on a ball in the highest quality, this product is not the answer. Instead, the Golf Ball Stamp is meant as an easy way to personalize your golf balls and for me, seems to be a much faster and more consistent way to do so than using a Sharpie or the like.
And as always, whenever we here at GolfStinks review a product, we don’t think it’s fair that we have all the fun testing it out. As such, the good folks over at the Golf Ball Stamp have agreed to send a $30 gift certificate to one of you for ordering your own personalized stamp! All you have to do is go over to our Facebook page and “Like” the post on the wall entitled “Replace the Sharpie with” – that’s it! We’ll choose one random winner next week!
Good luck and never hit the wrong ball again!