What would you spend $75 on? If you answer dinner or a couple rounds, you are a normal person. If you answer a dozen balls, well I don’t know what to say but read on. Yes it’s true, Dixon Golf sells a dozen of it’s “Fire” series balls for a whopping 75 clams. They also mention that they are for pro’s and scratch golfers. I guess that means the 26 million or so hacks don’t apply.
In Dixon’s defense, they do a lot of work with charities giving a percentage of their sales to deserving recipients. In fact they have a section on their site dedicated to it. That works for me. Anybody ever use them?
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
Thanks a lot. very knowledgeable blog.
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Huh?? 75 bucks for a dozen of golf balls??
At the rate I lose balls I would go broke very quickly dropping cash like that on golf balls.