I just don’t play well. Think about that statement for a minute. Just because my score at the end of a round can be confused with an “A” student’s test score plus extra credit, doesn’t mean I am a bad golfer. To me, being a good golfer encompasses more than just playing well. There’s a responsibility to the course and the other golfers around you.
If I was to par a course but had no etiquette and did stuff like hit into the group ahead of me, walk on your line, litter, in other words; be an all around a-hole…would I still be considered a good golfer? Not in my book. I play well but am definitely not a good golfer. As far as I’m concerned, I must embody all the elements that go along with being a good golfer.
Taking this a step further, golf is almost its own culture. It has identifying traits that are fairly easy to distinguish. For example, we can visually recognize a golfer from a non-golfer by what they wear. Golf has it’s own lingo (granted it’s in English) and these words would not exist if it weren’t for golf.
Why is this important? Going back to the good golfer/bad golfer thing, it’s important to respect your culture and abide by its rules. If I were a cop and busted the most criminals but had a serious cocaine problem and moonlighted as a serial killer, am I a good cop? Discuss.
Here’s to being a good golfer.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
In your books I would be a good golfer then, lol my SWING not so great, my etiquette is a 10. I agree, you can always tell who’s a golfer and who is not. It is one of the only sports you can wear a goofy outfit and look great lol. I love this game.
The cop analogy is great for illustrating your point, however most would call you a polite golfer, rather than good. If I had to choose between playing with an impolite good golfer and a polite hack, I’d go for the polite guy unless the other guy was Tiger Woods.
No need for labels though, that’s why we have handicaps! Just enjoy.