When it comes to shelling out our hard earned money to play a round of golf it can sometimes feel like a hadouken right to the kiwis. No clue what hadouken is? Well, if you remember the video game Street Fighter, it’s that annoying sound you constantly heard when one of the characters (Ryu) would do a special move and knock the other guy on his ass. Anyway, after one too many of these expensive rounds I had to figure something out.
In all fairness, there are plenty of courses out there that are reasonable with their greens fees but I’m honing in on those courses that start to get up there a bit, say $50 and up. It all hit me back in the beginning of this past summer at my bachelor party. A friend of mine, who also happens to be a golf pro at a private club, donated 3 free golf lessons and a free round at his club for a raffle prize. That got my wheels spinning.
Fast forward a month, part of his wedding gift to my wife and I were, you guessed it, free lessons and golf. Hmmmm, being friends with a golf pro can be beneficial. Now, if you are not friends or acquaintances with a pro I have another avenue. Befriend a liquor or beer sales rep. Why? Every year one or more of his accounts will probably have a ridiculous tournament. So in order for the sales rep to stay on the bar/restaurant/liquor store owners good side, he or she will probably splurge and buy a foursome. Seeing you are friends with him and just happen to golf, chances are you will get the nod to fill in a spot. Don’t worry about the entry fees, it’s a write off for the company. Unless your buddy is a cheap s.o.b., you know what I mean?
This also works for any other company as well – it doesn’t just have to be alcohol. Do some due diligence with your friends and poke around a little. You never know who’s sponsoring what. The goal here is to play as much golf as possible without really having to pay. Be creative and check back here and let me know what you came up with. If all else fails, charge it to the Underhills.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!