It never fails, the gallery quiets down as (insert favorite tour pro here) sets up for his or her shot when from the crowd someones yells “Baba Booey!” Now, I’m not really sure when Gary Dell’Abate (aka Baba Booey) from the Howard Stern show became such a hot phrase to yell. And since we’re on the topic of yelling crap out at a golf tourney, we can put “mashed potatoes” in that category too.
Back to Mr. Booey, apparently it has ruffled some golf pro feathers. I personally think it’s hysterical, but I also could see why some of the older players on the tour get a little worked-up about it. But when younger players are complaining, come on. Please remove the stick that has found its way up your bum and relax. The more you fight it the more it will present itself. However, I do agree with respecting the players and not yelling during a swing, but before or after…fair game in my book.
Last time I checked we live in a free country. Let’s enjoy the fact we have this luxury and have fun. Another great example is Rory McIlroy’s recent left handed shot. His drive off the tee box put him in some trouble and he had two choices 1) take your next shot from the water or 2) stay dry by inverting your club and swing lefty. By all means his left handed shot was terrible but he showed there is a lighter side to some of the tight-assedness (yes, I just made that up) surrounding golf.
Good for you Rory and you too Baba Booey. Keep golf interesting, unpredictable and fun. You never know you might even attract some new fans. It’s no secret the slump golf is in since the post-Tiger era has started. Go ahead, be creative and yell some wild, zany s*** or take a chance and hit a nearly impossible shot. Just remember to respect the players and the game, it’s cool to be “the guy” just not “that guy”
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
I’m with Ian Poulter on this one, “Taz’ the thrushes…”